Byteweek 2019

Eight bits of awesomeness
, 19:00 / till

This event is part of series 'byteweek2019'
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The week before Fosdem conference, HSBXL compiles ByteWeek.
Eight ‘Bitdays’ of hackatons, workshops and talks.
We end our week with the notorious Bytenight!

Friday January 25th

Saturday January 26th

Sunday January 27th

Monday January 28th

Tuesday January 29th

Wednesday January 30th

Thursday January 31th

Friday February 1st

Saturday February 2nd

Call for participation

If you want to have a talk, workshop or hackaton,
send a mail to with your proposal.


We are serving fresh soup every day.


Byteweek was a BLAST!
Financialy we also did very well.


Costs Byteweek related are €1551,31.

  • 18 fries/soup packages
  • 95,99 deep fryer / fries / pizzas
  • 55,50 pellets
  • 13,5 pellets
  • 21,7 pellets
  • 190,56 colruyt
  • 23,30 pellets
  • 174,2 colruyt
  • 440,56 beer
  • 518 beer
  • 26 broken chairs VGC


Byteweek brought us €2851,5.


Which means Byteweek added €1274,19 to our warchest.

˅ Resources 📂

˅ Page changelog 📖

Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at