Primary ways of reaching us:
- Address: Rue osseghem 53, 1080 Sint-Jans Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium.
- Pidgeon: 50.85516,4.32111 (Open Street Map) (GoogleMaps)
- Matrix chat: #hsbxl on (webchat) (Join Matrix Space)
- Email:
- Telephone: +32 2 880 40 04 (phone is in space, not always answered)
Other ways of reaching us:
- Mastodon/Fediverse:
- EventPhone VPN Telephone: 1080 (
- Facebook: HSBXL on Facebook
- Twitter: hsbxl and #hsbxl
- Mailing-list: see the mailing-List page
- Bank: Argenta IBAN: BE69 9794 2977 5578; BIC: ARSP BE 22
- Youtube:
If you are trying to get to HSBXL, please look here for a detailed description.
Statutes at Belgisch Staatsblad / Moniteur Belge
- Trade number: BE0817617057
- Official link to all statutes for HSBXL: BCE/KBO
- 2009-08-06: Statutes: Rubric Constitution (New Juridical Person, Opening Branch, etc…)
- 2013-08-12: Statutes: Designation - Registered Office - Resignations - Appointments
- 2016-05-10: Statutes: Registered Office - Resignations - Appointments
- 2019-07-17: Statutes: Registered Office - Resignations - Appointments
- 2022-01-10: Statutes: Resignations - Appointments