Our Own Cloud-out-of-the-cloud storage

This is a running project at HSBXL. See other space projects.
If you want more info about this project, ask 'jurgen'.

Context and background

Let’s set up a server running Nextcloud and Collabora Office inside the space. This will allow for:

  • easily sharing documents
  • creating project documentation that can then be shared publicly
  • create spin-off applications that interact with a nextcloud ecosystem. Think of a sports tracker (who are we kidding?) shopping list app that stores its data in a nextcloud folder instead of a centralized service)
  • see if we can do something with the SOLID concept that the Flemish government is working on (decentralized cryptographically safe storage of your personal information). There exists a rudimentary POC for SOLID inside Nextcloud. Can we set up our own pods and maybe even learn some things along the way?

Jurgen has set up Nextcloud on a local computer in the past - it’s not that hard.

You can find documentation in our cloud (let’s dogfood this):

  • There’s a link with more documentation.

As soon as this project reaches a (more or less) static state, it can easily be converted into webpages (as the content is plain markdown).

˅ Page changelog 📖

Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at #hsbxl:matrix.org.