OpenStreetMap meetup in Brussels

, 18:00 to

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πŸ“… Add all HSBXL events to your calendar Meet folks who are interested in OpenStreetMap over a drink and a snack!

There will be beginners and die-hards - the target audience is everybody. From just hearing about OpenStreetMap to the total expert. There will always be someone you can discuss and have a drink with. It is informal and without an agenda, but usually people whip out a laptop for a quick demo or a long introduction into new territory.

We’re an international community speaking English, Dutch and French. Come join us!


there will be food (including vegan), make sure to RSVP here so we can estimate food ordering amounts

registering via

How to get to HSBXL:

HSBXL is located in Brussels. For detailed instructions on how to get to the hackerspace, please visit here. If you encounter any issues while trying to get in, you can contact us at +32 28804004. Please note that the phone is inside the space. Alternatively, you can also reach out to us in our Matrix chatroom.

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Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at