Coremeeting 6

, 13:00

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  • fire security
  • follow up on payment reminder
  • coremeetings: definition
  • new building > contact the city / region
  • food vending machine > deadline or out
  • water drainage sink
  • gate black knight
  • dissolve the non-profit in the future: pro and cons


  • fire security

    • We installed 4 smoke detectors this week
  • follow up on payment reminder

    • Michael was going to contact people to remind. No idea on followup.
  • coremeetings: definition

  • new building > contact the city / region

    • Who put this on? Guess Nino. No idea on followup.
  • food vending machine > deadline or out

    • Some people pledged during the GA to work on it. Give it a few months.
      • people = askarel Wouter
  • sink water drainage

    • Will drill hole thu the wall and use the outside roof drainage pipe.
  • gate black knight

    • ldap is ready to have 2 groups, door access and elevator access
    • we started working on it yesterday, the magnet lock is back at the space now.
    • as we are ‘becoming responsible for the gate’, we should take care it’s really safe
      • Mechanical fallback in case of power loss
      • Make cards for the neighbours
  • dissolve the non-profit in the future: pro and cons

    • Con
      • Renting/contracts are done on a personal account
      • Single point of failure
    • Pro
      • Less legal obligations
  • Change the next GA date

    • 16th of march looks good

    • user plaster to close it (stefan will do this)

  • Electronics lab seperate switch

    • Askarel and Wouter will look at that when bifff is over.
    • Make timer plug that turns elec off after X hours.
  • Renting contract

    • region will answer in may about the future of the building
    • for now we get until December.
  • Secondary access > high voltage cabine

    • no access
    • found room next to high voltage cabine with power
    • betz will talk with the owner to get access/power from this room
  • Small vault for money deposit fridge

    • wtr will get one
  • Meetup e-mail export

    • betz has a look
  • Padlock codes > procedure for changing regularly and communicating

    • we’ll send a mail with new codes
    • betz orders a gsm gateway
  • Stripe curtain part 2 planning will be done

  • Security: infrared fence / motion sensor for entrance?

    • motion sensors arrived (project on tuesday)
  • Sponsors >

    • we fear loosing our independance, so would prefer to opperate without corporate sponsors.
    • even if clear what is given to sponsors, we might do stuff differently out of fear of losing em.
  • Outreach > flyers / promo

    • let’s make flyers for the events
    • one side ‘what is hackerspace brussels’, the other side ‘an event’
    • distributing in the area, shops, snackbars

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