Coremeeting 8

, 13:00

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  • follow up on payment reminder
  • coremeetings: definition
  • new building > contact the city / region
  • food vending machine > deadline or out
  • water drainage sink
  • gate black knight
  • dissolve the non-profit in the future: pro and cons

Meeting Notes

  • Since tuesday we can again import the Bank statement (thanks to Vincent)
  • Stefan Fixed the vacuum cleaner
  • We’ve had a donation of wood for the CNC and the lasercutter
  • the housing situation: there is no progress untill September
  • Second gate: We have a key, and will make coppies, and will make the lock-bar not useable.
  • fire security: Stefan installed 4 smoke detectors across the space
  • Food vending machine…… Fred is building a new board for this.
  • Cigarette vending machine: we will ask if any artists in the buidling want this. If not we will try to find sa different way to get rid of it.
  • lets start having tuesday meetings again. its a weekly moment of calibration / destress :)
  • tax papers fred will give em to wtr, wtr looks to submit em. deadline
    • The statutes need to be done ASAP. WSI will fill the forms and show them to the other board members for verification, so they can be sent in before next core meeting.
  • fire security
    • We installed 4 smoke detectors this week
  • follow up on payment reminder
    • Michael was going to contact people to remind. No idea on followup.
  • coremeetings: definition
  • new building > contact the city / region
    • Who put this on? Guess Nino. No idea on followup.
  • food vending machine > deadline or out
    • Some people pledged during the GA to work on it. Give it a few months.
      • people = askarel Wouter
  • sink water drainage
    • Will drill hole thu the wall and use the outside roof drainage pipe.
  • gate black knight
    • ldap is ready to have 2 groups, door access and elevator access
    • we started working on it yesterday, the magnet lock is back at the space now.
    • as we are ‘becoming responsible for the gate’, we should take care it’s really safe
      • Mechanical fallback in case of power loss
      • Make cards for the neighbours
  • dissolve the non-profit in the future: pro and cons
    • Con
      • Renting/contracts are done on a personal account
      • Single point of failure
    • Pro
      • Less legal obligations
  • Change the next GA date
    • 16th of march looks good
  • crack in back wall
    • user plaster to close it (stefan will do this)
  • Electronics lab seperate switch
    • Askarel and Wouter will look at that when bifff is over.
    • Make timer plug that turns elec off after X hours.
  • Renting contract
    • region will answer in may about the future of the building
    • for now we get until December.
  • Secondary access > high voltage cabine
    • no access
    • found room next to high voltage cabine with power
    • betz will talk with the owner to get access/power from this room
  • Small vault for money deposit fridge
    • wtr will get one
  • Meetup e-mail export
    • betz has a look
  • Padlock codes > procedure for changing regularly and communicating
    • we’ll send a mail with new codes
    • betz orders a gsm gateway
  • Stripe curtain part 2 planning
    • will be done
  • Security: infrared fence / motion sensor for entrance?
    • motion sensors arrived (project on tuesday)
  • Sponsors >
    • we fear loosing our independance, so would prefer to opperate without corporate sponsors.
    • even if clear what is given to sponsors, we might do stuff differently out of fear of losing em.
  • Outreach > flyers / promo
    • let’s make flyers for the events
    • one side ‘what is hackerspace brussels’, the other side ‘an event’
    • distributing in the area, shops, snackbars
  • GlowForge:
    • Wifi issues
  • Install dedicated access point
    • Material
    • Investigate material costs
    • Quid about maintenance and spare parts ?
    • Ask for donations
  • Club-mate
    • Club-mate belgium
    • ask for ~10 crates
  • 3D printers
    • Velleman: Parts will be in next week
    • lulzbot: parts are being printed
  • CNC machine
    • it’s functional
    • If you want to enclose it, a emergency stop button must be installed –> flea market to teh rescue!
  • Flea market run
    • Sunday 11:00, meeting at Total gas station
  • Hackerspace move
    • Start the active search in september
    • Passive search starting NOW!
  • Finances
    • Argenta broke our import script


  • Fred
  • Stefan
  • Tom
  • Wouter

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Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at