Core Meeting 2021-08

, 20:00

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  • What’s happening with the rent at Entrakt?
  • Newline Ghent (3-5/09)
  • Software Freedom Day (18/09)
  • Tech with kids
    • Next up: kids with their projects
    • (19/09): working with greenscreen, digital puppeting, stop motion video. (up to 12 kids/participants + parents) - obviously the space is open for all.
  • Working on the website
    • next week: adding content (basics)
    • interest for a hackathon on tweaking/improving the site?

Meeting notes

Extra rent - discount on rent

  • A few months back, Entrakt issues a Corona discount to all members. Now Entrakt is claiming back the discount for those months.
  • When lockdown ended, we started paying the full rent again (despite no mail terminating the discount was received)
  • Entrakt is currently sending invoices to all tenants, reclaiming a part of the discounted rent.
  • Wouter will contact Entrakt to listen on what and how.

Newline Ghent

  • When? 3-4-5 September

Who’s in?

  • Jurgen (2 days)
  • Fred & Anita
  • Mowzes (5th) depending on quarantaine rules at that moment

Software Freedom Day

Prepearations are ongoing.

  • OpenStreetmap Belgium announced to give a talk, but did not confirm their presence or talk yet.
  • 2 Cool talks on FreeCAD (101 and Python scripting) by hackerspace member Kai and Yorik
  • Wouter is going to record all talks, and recordings will be made available afterwards. Day ends with an OBS workshop by Wouter
  • Workshop on using Inkscape to create a small design for the laser cutter
  • Jonny will give a talk too, topic is not yet confirmed.

Jurgen will reach out to the FreeCAD, OBS and Inkscape community

Tech with kids

  • Next up: kids with their projects (opening the space for kids to work on their own projects)

  • (19/09): working with greenscreen, digital puppeting, stop motion video. (up to 12 kids/participants + parents) - obviously the space is open for all.

Working on the website

Extra moment: 18:00 - basic intro to GIT (version control, underlying system behind the website). Small introduction on how to add content to the website (Hugo) in 2 weeks (17/08). This way, everyone can add content.

Is there interest for a few sessions on tweaking/improving the site? We could learn the basics of Hugo and what an how to add/change features.

New location - status update

  • Forest: there is very much work and no certainty there is a place for us. We don’t think we can commit to that.
  • St Gillis: this location is reserved for artists. A requirement from the city is that there are no computers there.

˅ Page changelog 📖

Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at