× Welcome in our space! Drinks are cold, the soldering iron hot! Respect each other and be excellent.

Company membership

With a company membership, you get all the benefits of a regular membership,
plus we send you a monthly payment proof, valid for Belgian bookkeeping.

Some important remarks regarding a company membership:
- A company membership has no privileges compared to a regular membership.  
- A company membership is always for one person only. 
  If you want to give access to multiple employees, pay for multiple memberships.  


For company membership, HSBXL asks a minimum of €40/month per person.
A company can pay for multiple persons, in which case the memberships will be combined to one invoice.


Send a mail to finance@hsbxl.be with following info, needed for the invoice:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • BTW/TVA (tax) number
  • Name of the person you want make a member

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Contact us

For any questions you can reach out to us over Matrix at #hsbxl:matrix.org.